Home Ed
Home educators welcome! We offer enriching experiences for your child, complementing your homeschooling journey. Join us for weekly sessions, holiday camps, or both!

We open our doors to the Home Ed community and recognise the uniqueness of your child’s journey. We celebrate the fact you’re either deferring for an additional year or are teaching your Child outside of mainstream. We work alongside you as the primary role model and ensure your child has the best possible time away from home. Often our Home Ed children only call in once or twice a week to add a little diversity to their already busy life schedules. We’re here to help.
Holiday Club (age 4-18)
Whoop Whoop! School holidays can be hard to fill when you have to work. Rest assured we have a very busy action packed schedule ourselves and love welcoming new faces to the team. We invite local specialists into the site to talk about all things nature, the children get two healthy meals and snacks throughout the day. They have access to the woods and lots of other children who like to learn about tool use, den building, and outdoor cooking to name a few things! They’ll never come home clean again! And yes, you can use your Vouchers, we are Ofsted registered. To register or pop down for a viewing, follow this link
Come and See Us
Book an open day tour and come and see for yourself