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Our Curriculum

Human progress is driven by our capacity and courage to look after those who are weaker than us: we call this compassion

Forest School For Life

Our Seasonal Curriculum is shaped by the natural rhythm of nature. Each term we as a setting will reach out to the community or take notice of local environmental issues and undertake a fresh challenge. Something meaningful, educational and worthwhile. Our learning experiences are shared with families and carers giving the opportunity to continue these themes at home and enhance understanding of topics covered. Our Early Years curriculum blends the requirements of the EYFS areas with nature topics and real life experiences. We also welcome expert guests to our Education Centre to share their passions and give hands on demonstrations and enhance our learning experiences when covering a topic. We recognise the benefits Children gain from our wide, open spaces. Freedom to run and move in different ways aiding cognitive development and physical strength. To be provided with daily free-play and inspirational role models instils aspiration. Nature offers a diverse mix of resources at our fingertips. Sand, mud, water and malleable materials like clay. We place emphasis on language, reading stories, looking at books and singing songs. Our outdoor site, ensures children are physically active and develop their imagination. We are immersed in nature, we hear birds, we see animals, we watch the land around us evolve and change through seasonal transitions. Our children have the opportunity, to manage their own risks and learn in their own style. With lots of love and support, our curriculum ensures children avoid sedentary behaviours and develop a healthy attitude towards food and regular exercise from the very beginning.

Our Curriculum