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Complaints Policy 2024-25

We hope that you are happy with the service that we provide, but we appreciate there may be times when we are not offering you and your child the service that you expect. We hope that you will feel able to discuss any concerns or issues that you may have with us directly. If you would rather not talk in front of your child then we can arrange a more convenient time, for example in the evening or at the weekend.

Stages of complaint

  • Safeguarding Issue Call Ofsted 0300 123 4666

  • Minor Complaint Speak to Key Worker or Duty Manager

    Office Number: 07355 849578

  • Greater Concern Formal: Contact Manager

    with information We will respond within 48 hours and record all complaints

  • Not Resolved?

    Inform Ofsted. Inform the Local Authority (if related to the Early Education funding entitlement)

It is a requirement by Ofsted that all complaints are logged along with the outcome and any action taken. These records must be available to show an Ofsted Childcare Inspector if required.


Our Complaints Policy is issued to all families as part of the registration process. It is also available via your Babysdays log in account.


Where parents/carers are not satisfied that their child is receiving the free entitlement in the correct way (as set out in this funding agreement and in Early Education and Childcare Statutory guidance for local authorities), a complaint can be submitted directly to Victoria Furness